College Theology SocietyServing Church and Academy Since 1954

Justice and Peace

2024 Call for Papers

Daniel Justin, Regis University (CO)

Eileen Fagan, College of Mount St. Vincent


The Justice and Peace section welcomes proposals for papers and panels on the theme of the convention, “Vulnerability & Flourishing.”


The connections between the convention theme and theological reflection on justice and peace could be explored in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: how do we understand flourishing in relation to unjust structures such as the economy or criminal justice system? How do we break down barriers such as racism and build flourishing communities? How ought we to understand the vulnerability inherent in nonviolence and Christian pacifism? How might we address our American political system, which must be at the service of the common good for all its citizens and not at the service of the elites and politicians who are advancing their own agenda at the expense of the vulnerable of our society?


We also welcome proposals that address specific questions of justice and peace in our contemporary world (such as the war in Ukraine) and any other topics in justice and peace studies.


Please e-mail proposals simultaneously to both co-convenors by December 15, 2023.

The College Theology Society is a registered, non-profit professional society and a Related Scholarly Organization of the American Academy of Religion.


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