Systematic Theology
Kristi Haas, University of Notre Dame (IN)
Hector Varela-Rios, Villanova University (PA)
David Dawson Vázquez
In accordance with the Convention theme, the Systematic Theology Section invites proposals that consider theological vocation throughout the breadth and width of Christian theology. Said otherwise, we seek to explore what vocation means and what is at stake for theologians, be them academic and/or lived, from the dawn of Christianity up to today, from all/any context(s) and multiple theoretical, empirical, and/or practical approaches While all proposals are welcome, we will likely preference those that are particularly invested in the conference theme.
Proposals should be around 250 words in length and include the proposer’s current institutional affiliation and position. Proposals should be emailed by December 15, 2024 to Kristi Haas (khaas3@nd.edu), David Dawson Vázquez (ddawsonvasquez@gmail.com), and Héctor M. Varela Rios (hvarelar@villanova.edu). Scholars will be notified of their proposal status by mid-January. Please see the Convention Call for Papers and the CTS website for more details (such as other sections’ call for papers) at https://collegetheologysociety10.wildapricot.org/Annual-Convention. Scholars who are invited to present their work at a national convention of the College Theology Society must be current members of the CTS in order to appear in the program. No person may submit more than one proposal for consideration nor will submissions to multiple sections be considered. Failure to observe these policies may result in the scholar's disqualification to present a paper at the Annual Convention.