College Theology SocietyServing Church and Academy Since 1954

Theology and "the real world"

  • November 30, 2015 12:34 PM
    Message # 3667722

    For years I have been struck by the distinction students make between what they learn in their theology course and how they understand everyday life.  The separation of church and state seems to imply a necessary gulf between the real world and faith.  In an effort to address that misunderstanding I published The Creed.  The Faith That Moves Evolution this year. It methodically studies the articles of the Constantinopolitan Creed in light of the empirical descriptions and explanations of the world offered by 21st century natural and social science. It demonstrates that theology offers an explanation for why the universe operates without interfering with science’s explanation of how it operates.  It concludes that the human response of faith in God, including the practical choices that humanity makes in everyday life, plays a crucial and essential role in the future of creation’s evolution.


    Last modified: November 30, 2015 12:35 PM | Donald Maldari

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